With Lottery Sambad, every day is special. Similarly, if you have tickets for Lottery Sambad of Dear Narmada, you might be thinking that this might be a special day to get something life-changing. However, for that to happen, you will have to check the Lottery Sambad result of 1 PM for 23-12-23. A lot of people flock to lottery vendors, especially on Saturday, to get the Dear Narmada tickets. This is because many groups consider Saturday to be an auspicious day. If you are one of them, this Dear Lottery result is for you.
Lottery Sambad Result 1 PM 23-12-2023
Well, that’s all we have here about the Lottery Sambad result of 1 PM for 23-12-2023. If you won something, well, congratulations. If not, there is no point of getting sad. These things happen in life, and you will get over it soon. However, you can try again some other day. Until then, stay safe and play responsibly. We will meet you for the Lottery Sambad result 6 PM 23-12-2023.
Dear Narmada Saturday Weekly Lottery Prize Amount
Rank | No. of Prizes | Winning Prize | Commission |
1 | 1 | Rs. 1 Crore | Rs. 5 Lakhs |
Consolation | 699 | Rs. 1,000 | Rs. 500 |
2 | 10 | Rs. 9,000 | Rs. 500 |
3 | 10 | Rs. 450 | Rs. 50 |
4 | 10 | Rs. 250 | Rs. 20 |
5 | 100 | Rs. 120 | Rs. 10 |